Sekolah Dasar


Akhmad Marzuki, S.Pd

Tunas Mulia School has been established since November 2002. It started withEarly Childhood Educationand Kindergarten classes both of which are based on Montessori method program.

Tunas Mulia School telahberdirisejak November 2002.Sekolahini dimulai dengan Pendidikan Pra-sekolahdan TK yang keduanya didasarkan pada program-program metode Montessori.


After just 3 years of operation, Tunas Mulia School opened its Elementary level has released the first generation by the year 2010 and Secondary has released the first generation year 2014.  The student body of 500 students is drawn from mostly Tangerang area is well served by highly trained teachers who deliver a comprehensive and challenging curriculum.

Setelah 3 tahun berjalan, Sekolah Tunas Mulia membuka tingkat SD dan telah meluluskan siswa angkatan pertama pada tahun 2010 dan tingkat SMP telah meluluskan generasi pertama di tahun 2014. Siswa yang terdiri dari 500 siswa berasal dari daerah Tangerang, dididik oleh guru yang telah dibekali dengan baik yang mengembangkan kurikulum yang menyeluruh dan berkembang.


Tunas Mulia Montessori School KINDERGARTEN, ELEMENTARY and SECONDARY SCHOOL has been accreditedA by the government of Indonesia from the Department of Education. Moreover the school is also sertified by Montessori World Education Institution (MWEI) Australia and ACCES (Associated Child Care and Educational) Malaysia, esspecially for a class that uses Montessori method.

Tunas Mulia Montessori Schooltingkat TK, SD dan SMP telah terakreditasi A oleh Departemen Pendidikan Indonesia. Selain itu, sekolah ini juga telah bersertifikat dari Montessori World Education Institution (MWEI) Australia dan ACCES (Associated Child Care and Educational) Malaysia, khususnya untuk kelas yang menggunakan metode Montessori.


Continuing the success of Kindergarten, Elementary and Secondaryand having strong support and cooperation among the foundation, teachers, parents and students’ willingness to continue their higher education at TMS, therefore we open SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL level starting   academic year of 2015 – 2016. With pleasure we welcome elementary students academic year 2016 – 2017. May GOD bless us!

Untuk melanjutkan keberhasilan TK, SD, SMPdan dengan dukungan yang kuat dan kerjasama antara yayasan, para guru, orang tua dan keinginan siswa-siswi untuk melanjutkan pendidikan mereka kejenjang  yang lebih tinggi di Tunas Mulia, oleh karena itu kami juga telah membuka tingkat SMA pada  tahun ajaran 2015 – 2016. Dengan senang hati kami menyambut siswa SD tahun ajaran 2016 – 2017. Tuhan memberkati kita semua!


Vision Mision

Balancing between manner, attitude, knowledge and children’s skills is the main thing.

Keseimbangan antara budi pekerti, perilaku, pengetahuan serta keterampilan anak adalah yang utama.

  1. Educate and nurture of students behaviour in a safe environment and friendly which can stimulate children’s creativity and love of learning.

Mencerdaskan, mendidik, dan membina perilaku anak bangsa di dalam lingkungan yang aman, bersahabat dan yang dapat menstimulasi kreatifitas dan kecintaan anak untuk belajar.

  1. Instill caring for others and the environment

Menanamkan kepedulian pada sesama dan lingkungan

  1. Build intergrated and appropriated education system

Membangun  system pendidikan terpadu dan tepat guna.

  1.  Promote harmony between religious communities.

Menggalakkan kerukunan antar umat beragama.



  1. Curriculum applied

Tunas Mulia School is a National Plus School which means:

  • National

Tunas Mulia School is a school which applies national/state curriculum that is school-based-curriculum 13 which prepares the students to have local competence.

  • Plus

Tunas Mulia School applies Singapore curriculum as a prime guidance materials in order to prepare students to be able and ready to face the competition and globalization era, therefore we use English as a social language.


Although Tunas Mulia school is not based on special religion, but religious education is an important aspect to support the mission and our vision . Therefore , we accept and foster religious diversity of our students as a form of appreciation.


  • English is the language that will be used every day in school both in the classroom and outside the classroom during the study, break time, and other activities

Indonesian is used when studying Indonesian subjects. English and mandarin is used when studying mandarin lesson.


English, Maths, Science , Art  and Craft, Computer , P.E , Art  and Craft, Computer , Scout , Religion, MTK, BI, PKn,  Mandarin.


  • SCIENCE CLUB ( Grade 1-6 )
  • ROBOTIC ( Grade 4-6)
  • TAEKWONDO (Grade 3-6)
  • DANCING ( Grade 1-6 )
  • MANDARIN CLUB ( Grade 4-6)
  • SCOUT (Grade 1-6)
  • DRAWING ( Grade 1-6)